Monday, January 28, 2019

Summary Draft 1

In the article, 'Green buildings, Singapore' natural ally for a greener future', MacKenzie (2017) states that green buildings designs portray a conducive environment for living and carry significance to Singapore's counter against climate change. With the current state of Singapore’s economic rise, buildings have generated increasing amount of carbon emissions which significantly contributed to climate change. It steered an opportunity to counter the issue through its green building design and technology. Asia Square is one exemplary example of an efficient green building in Singapore. In comparison to other buildings, it proved a reduced energy consumption rate with its concept. Applying bright colors, fully utilizing sunlight, use of technology, selection of sustainable materials and working with interested parties are design elements that should be incorporated to counter climate change. With the adoption of design and sustainability, Singapore guarantees the reduction of environmental impacts by hosting events to spread awareness of going green and enhancing ways to fight climate change.

As a Garden City, leaders, building designers and big organisations were not the only ones who should prevent climate change. It is now needed for the community and individuals in the country to be involved in enhancing the environment and reduce the impacts towards it.

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